Joshua B. Tenenbaum receives the Troland Research Award From the National Academy of Science
“For formulating a groundbreaking new Bayesian model of human inductive learning and for using this model to generate innovative empirical studies of human perception, language, and reasoning.”
Two awards, each given to young investigators (age 40 or younger) to recognize unusual achievement and further empirical research in psychology regarding the relationships of consciousness and the physical world. Funds are to be used by the awardee to support his or her research within the broad spectrum of experimental psychology, including, for example, the topics of sensation, perception, motivation, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, language, and action. For both awards, preference will be given to experimental work taking a quantitative or other formal approach, including mathematics and explicit algorithms (e.g., computer modeling) or symbolic logics of various types, and/or to experimental research seeking physiological explanations. Established by the bequest of Leonard T. Troland. Scheduled for presentation in 2012.